Take control of your Inbox

Elevate Your Digital Privacy: Safeguard Your Inbox from Spam and Phishing with the Power of Email Aliases!

Dedicated Aliases for Everything

Assign a dedicated email alias to each service, shielding your actual email from potential misuse. The next time you sign up for a website or newsletter, or a shop asks for your email, just come up with a new alias on the spot (or generate it ahead) and use that instead of your real email.


Secure Inbox Delivery

Receive emails securely in your inbox. Messages sent to your alias are seamlessly forwarded without the sender's awareness.


Simple Alias Management

If an alias is part of a data breach or a spammer got hold of one of your aliases and starts sending unwanted emails, you can easily delete that alias or temporarily deactivate it.

Our system will discard any future emails, ensuring you won't receive any more messages for that specific alias.


Anonymous Emailing Made Easy

Respond and send emails anonymously with a simple "Reply," ensuring your real email remains confidential while maintaining seamless communication through your alias.

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